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Get real change,
real fast.

Stop overthinking, procrastinating
and stressing yourself out.

Discover the breakthrough method high performers use to stop anxiety.

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Mental health check in

Check in on your mental health with this digital version of the DASS-21.
Your scores will show you how you're managing stress, anxiety and depression.

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Strategic psychotherapy interventions
to tackle anxiety

Investing in yourself is the most important action you can take. 

In a perfect world, getting through your to-do list would be your biggest concern. Unfortunately, anxiety can make your work-life feel out of control; it's difficult to focus, organise your time, and meet deadlines. Poor performance has a direct link to the anxiety loop and can have a seriously negative impact on your career.​ There is a way to stop it.


With a short-term intervention, we can take action on: 

  • Burnout and recovery

  • Performance anxiety

  • Imposter syndrome

  • Urgency stress

  • Conflict and boundaries

  • Procrastination

  • Goal setting and direction

  • Low confidence

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Bronwyn Penhaligon in therapy room
The back story...

Using a powerful combination of strategic psychotherapy and clinical hypnosis, Bronwyn Penhaligon is on a mission to empower her clients to unlock their skills and transform their lives. Find out why.

Action-orientated and client-centric, the approach of Strategic Psychotherapy is to support you to shift from talking about your problem to making changes to solve it - and quickly. Leveraging insights from CBT and utilising the untapped resource of the subconscious, fast and long-lasting progress is able to be made in a few short sessions.


My goal is to not just support you to ‘feel better’ but to actually be better in your life. This style of intervention works best with people who are supremely motivated to change; when they’ve had enough of their destructive thinking and behaviours and are willing to do the work. Offered in personalised 1:1 sessions and supported with additional curated resources, my interventions are designed to put you on the fast track to your best self. 

Business Owner - brokerage

"I had 6 sessions with Bronwyn focused on fine tuning my mindset to achieve better performance. I highly recommend anyone looking to improve workplace performance, manage stress and navigate through the cycles of business."

The WIP newsletter

Let's face it, we're all a Work In Progress...
Delivered to your inbox every Monday, this newsletter contains a concept to ponder, an insight from clinic and a practical tool you can implement.


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Get in touch


319 / 185 Elizabeth St, Sydney


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Clinic Hours

Mon - Fri


11:00 am – 8:00 pm

10:00 am – 6:00 pm

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